Climbing the Ladder in 2025

January 10, 2025

Foursquare ITP is excited to kick off 2025 with 17 staff promotions!

Mass Transit’s 40 Under 40 Award Honors Two Foursquare ITP Employees

August 22, 2023

Congratulations to Jessica Alvarez, PTP and Reinaldo Germano! They are two winners of the highly competitive Class of 2023 40 Under 40 Award from Mass Transit Magazine.

Foursquare ITP Celebrates Mid-Year Core Value Winners!

August 4, 2023

Foursquare ITP places great importance on living our four core values every day: embodying passion for our profession, possessing dedication to our clients, valuing investment in each other, and retaining a positive outlook. At our recent mid-year retreat, Foursquare ITP celebrated these core values over the past six months.

Foursquare ITP Announces Mid-Year Promotions

July 12, 2023

We are excited to announce Foursquare ITP team member promotions for July 2023! These team members have been major contributors to helping our clients solve their challenges as well as to company and staff growth.

Foursquare ITP Helps Illinois DOT Win Bus and Bus Facilities Grant

June 27, 2023

Foursquare ITP recently worked on a federal grant application with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). In June, IDOT was awarded a $12.6 million Bus and Bus Facilities grant from the Federal Transit Administration.

Foursquare ITP Facilitates N-CATT Virtual Workshops

May 30, 2023

Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning, Inc. (Foursquare ITP) is facilitating a new workshop from the National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT).

Foursquare ITP Opens Atlanta Office; Hires First Atlanta-Based Staff

April 17, 2023

Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning, Inc. (Foursquare ITP) is excited to announce that we now have a presence in Atlanta, Georgia! Two new staff members will begin at our Atlanta location in early May.

Foursquare ITP Core Values Awards, January 2023

February 6, 2023

We recently celebrated 2022 accomplishments at our January 2023 retreat. These accomplishments could not have happened without our amazing staff, several of whom received Core Values Awards!

Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning, Inc. Announces Promotions

January 17, 2023

Foursquare ITP is excited to announce that many of our team members will begin 2023 with promotions! Our newly promoted staff members will help advance Foursquare ITP's clients' goals and contribute to staff development and company growth.

goDCgo Wins Multiple Awards

January 4, 2023

Congratulations once again to goDCgo! In December 2022, goDCgo received two awards from the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT)’s Chesapeake Chapter.  

DDOT Wins 2022 TDM Award

November 22, 2022

Congratulations to our client, The District Department of Transportation (DDOT), for winning the 2022 Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Excellence Award for Municipality!

Foursquare ITP Forms Advisory Board

October 21, 2022

Foursquare ITP is excited to announce the formation of our Advisory Board. The purpose of the Advisory Board is to provide input and advice to Foursquare ITP leadership on strategic decisions, high-level operations, and business strategy.

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