Every action taken by an organization should align with its goals. Foursquare ITP works with transit agencies and transportation departments to develop and refine their vision, goals, and objectives and develop strategies to help achieve them, including actions related to their service offerings, organizational improvements, and policy and financial changes.
We help look at the big picture and track progress toward goals through the development and deployment of performance monitoring programs and constant measuring that allow our clients to both publicly and internally track improvements.
We utilize industry best practices and customize them for the agency’s goals and purpose. We help transit agencies and transportation departments at the state and local levels maximize the value of their existing assets and best leverage their operating dollars.
Service Offerings
- Financial plans for transit operations and capital investments
- Strategic plans to help organizations operate and make decisions more effectively
- Transit agency human capital capacity planning
- Transit asset management plans
- Fare policy analysis and recommendations
- Performance measurement and monitoring
- Funding guidance
- Policy research and analysis
Featured Projects
KCATA inFocus Strategic Plan
Kansas City, MO
Foursquare ITP developed a new strategic plan for KCATA that sets the organization’s direction over the next five to ten years.
HRT Capital Improvement Plan
Norfolk, VA
Northeast Corridor Through Ticketing Study
Northeast Corridor,
APTA Late Shift Transit Study
Washington, DC
ATL Annual Report and Audit Services
Atlanta, GA
Alexandria Low-Income Fare Pass Assessment
Alexandria, VA
Capital Metro Strategic Plan
Austin, TX