This transit development plan (TDP) identified short and long-range recommendations for the transit system to set the stage for a successful referendum on a new sales tax to fund transit in 2024. Most of Gwinnett County is not served by transit and the current route structure encourages frequent transfers, which is difficult to time on a system with 30-60 minute headways. Ride Gwinnett has been working on some interim refinements and expansions of transit service, but this TDP includes a massive expansion of fixed route, microtransit, and high-capacity transit to meet both current and future needs of the County.
The purpose of this study is to not only provide a development strategy for the short-term, but to also provide direction and guidance in how the County should mold its transit program to best support the continued growth and development of Gwinnett County for the long-term. The TDP will serve as a tool to inform Gwinnett County officials and its residents about future transit needs, the projects and technologies that address those needs, and the cost and benefit implications of those projects. The plan also considers an evaluation of potential funding sources. The engagement-led study resulted in broad support and sets the stage for a successful referendum on a new sales tax to fund transit in 2024.
With the combination of robust and innovative multimodal data analysis, objective evaluation and project ranking, and information and visualization, we informed and educated by holding extensive public and stakeholder outreach and engagement to ensure meaningful input and feedback. We also developed an action-driven implementation plan that provides Ride Gwinnett with a strong foundation to build from and a clear guide to take the next steps.
After 18 months of continuous engagement, the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the $17 billion TDP that will be implemented over 30 years. Key to this success was a plan that is able to implement microtransit across the entire county, bus rapid transit, and nearly every fixed route in the first 10 years of the plan. At the Georgia Transit Association Annual Conference, this project won the Innovation Award.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Developed short-term and long-term recommendations that equitably expand access and convenience.
- Developed an action-driven implementation plan.
- Developed a funding plan for a 2024 transit referrendum.
- Conducted extensive public and stakeholder outreach and engagement.