Foursquare ITP developed an update to the District of Columbia’s Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Strategic Plan which spans five years and guides the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and goDCgo’s TDM work. DDOT published its first TDM Strategic Plan in 2017. Foursquare ITP led the development of the 2022 updated plan by conducting stakeholder engagement, revising and prioritizing strategies, and lending our expertise to incorporate best practices for TDM.
We worked closely with DDOT staff to understand their priorities and gather their ideas about strategies they would like to see implemented in the coming years. It was important that the updated TDM plan help move the needle on TDM in the District and also align with moveDC, its long-range transportation plan, as well as other sustainability goals. We gathered a list of nearly 60 potential strategies throughout the engagement process, and utilized a virtual tool for stakeholders to vote on the best strategies to advance in the plan. The updated 2022 plan includes a prioritized list of fourteen strategies that each align with a stated goal and objective.
Key highlights among these strategies include the establishment of a commuter services program for goDCgo and the implementation of an e-bike subsidy for 1,216 people (one percent of District drivers in 2020). Foursquare ITP prepared two case studies on e-bike subsidy best practices that provided additional information to develop the subsidy program.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Produced a plan to guide TDM in the District, operated by Foursquare ITP through goDCgo, which led to the implementation of an e-bike subsidy for more than 1,200 people.
- Developed program budget and performance measures to track success.
- Created a prioritized list of fourteen strategies that each align with the program’s strategic goals.