Foursquare ITP developed a strategic plan to guide Commuter Choice Maryland and an annual work plan, while aiding the development of a supporting communications and marketing plan. This work supported a comprehensive re-envision of the Commuter Choice Maryland program, Maryland’s statewide transportation demand management (TDM) program. To aid in the development of a revitalized Commuter Choice Maryland program, our team held a half-day workshop to receive input from stakeholders throughout Maryland on a draft strategic direction for the program, including feedback on the draft program vision, goals, and objectives, as well as potential strategies. The workshop was planned in under three weeks and nearly 40 stakeholders representing the Maryland DOT Secretary’s Office, State Highways Administration, Maryland Transit Administration, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), local jurisdictions, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and Fort Meade. Stakeholder input received in this workshop was used to finalize the strategic plan and its supporting strategies and action items incorporated in the annual work plan.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Developed strategic Plan for redesign and relaunch of a TDM program.
- Assisted with implementation across a broad range of TDM program activities.