Foursquare ITP assisted with developing baseline conditions and strategy development for the New Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) TDM and Mobility plan. We produced a memorandum that summarized the contents of relevant North Jersey TDM plans and policies and the operations of TDM programs in North Jersey; as well as contributed a range of examples to a national state of the practice memorandum. Best practices profiled ranged from Columbus’ C-PASS program to Washington DC’s Parking Cash Out Law to Austin’s Smart Trip program, and many more. In addition to these memorandums, Foursquare ITP provided data on the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and trip-making patterns of current transit users in Northern New Jersey. We also participated in several meetings with the study’s Technical Advisory Committee. Our work included contributions to the development of TDM strategies included in the plan and developed an implementation brief that outlined how NJTPA can implement one of the selected strategies.

Solutions and Outcomes
  • Developed a memorandum of relevant TDM plans, policies, and operations in North Jersey.
  • Provided data on the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and trip-making patterns of current transit users in Northern New Jersey.
  • Contributed to the development of TDM strategies.