Foursquare ITP played a key role developing the multimodal operations and capacity analysis as a part of an interdisciplinary team completing the Union Station Master Development Plan (MDP), a component of the Environmental Impact Statement for the redevelopment of Washington, DC’s historic Union Station. We documented the existing conditions at the site, including capturing information on all relevant transportation projects, plans, studies, and reports that may potentially impact the Master Plan and station area employment, existing ridership for all station users, usage statistics for all modes at the station, and transfer data between modes at the station. We also calculated the impacts to all non-SOV modes for each future station alternative using innovative methods that calculated what service level increases or new capacity would be needed to mitigate overcrowding under each.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Comprehensive multimodal profile of existing conditions to inform projections.
- Improving conceptual plans to improve efficiency and reduce modal conflicts.