Transform 66 Outside the Beltway was a multimodal corridor study to provide input to VDOT prior to implementation of High-Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes on the needs for commuter buses and TDM to complement the HOT lanes. VDOT and the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation were going to require that the public private partnership that would build and operate the HOT lanes provide funding for commuter bus service and TDM services along the corridor. They hired a team that included Foursquare ITP to develop the plans for the needed services.
Foursquare ITP developed a robust market and demand assessment and baseline conditions assessment to understand future needs. Based on this analysis and robust stakeholder and public engagement we defined the future commuter bus service and transportation demand management (TDM) program needs on the I-66 corridor for opening year (2022) and two future years. The bus service recommendations accounted for capacity limitations at terminals and potential future rail service in the corridor.
The client was able to go to the potential offerors with a solid commuter bus plan that included service levels, operating costs for each route, and the number of vehicles needed. Additionally, the jurisdictions in the corridor were provided with guidance on TDM program implementation to help make the best use of the new facility by ensuring residents and employees understood this new travel option – including the new bus services as well as carpool and vanpool opportunities. The HOT lanes opened in December 2022 and are served by several commuter bus routes operated by two providers – including more service on existing routes and new services that were recommended by the study.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Commuter bus service recommendations for leveraging upcoming HOT lanes.
- Transportation demand management (TDM) program growth recommendations on the corridor.
- HOT lanes opened with more bus service using the lanes and new service recommended by the study.