The 2018 Indego Business Plan is an update to Philadelphia’s 2013 Bike Share Business Plan that examines how well Indego is performing today and outlines recommendations for how the system can grow and evolve over the next five years. Indego faces a new set of challenges, notably how to navigate a changing bike share marketplace and new competition from private dock-less systems.

Foursquare ITP completed an extensive analysis of Indego’s performance and the impact changes in the bike share industry, such as new technology, business models, and competitors, may have on the program. A series of financial scenarios were modeled to allow the City to better forecast its fundraising needs for the program. All this work culminated in a vision for Indego over the next five-years that is grounded in 9 key recommendations. Our team set a goal to more than double the Indego program from 121 to 261 stations, along with strategies for how such growth can be funded and sustainably operated.

Solutions and Outcomes
  • Five-year plan with nine key recommendations.
  • Goal to double the Indego program from 121 to 261 stations.
  • Financial scenarios and future funding strategies.