This TDM Plan guided efforts to decrease drive alone travel and help facilitate the transition to a mixed-use, multimodal environment on the Grasslands suburban, medical and public safety campus. The Grasslands Campus in the Hamlet of Valhalla, Town of Mount Pleasant, New York is a 512-acre campus with over 4 million square feet of existing building space and a daytime population of 10,000. Significant redevelopment is planned over the coming years to transition the campus from a suburban, auto-oriented destination into a mixed-use center with retail, hotels, and specialized office space for biotech and medical technology firms.

Foursquare ITP’s TDM plan recommendations were based on a robust existing conditions analysis using data analysis and employer and commuter engagement. Strategies that were both programmatic (e.g., parking management, enhancing ridematching, completing the campus pedestrian network, enhanced communications and outreach) and legislative (e.g., employer and development ordinances) were provided to guide the campus toward a more mixed use and multi-modal future.

The local municipalities, employers, and developers were all provided tailored resource guides/toolkits with guidance on how to implement TDM , such as information for employers on how to develop a commuter benefits program and create a bike friendly workplace; guidance for municipalities on model developer and employer ordinances; and, for developers, the range of options available for including TDM measures into development.  The implementation plan for the campus features best practices for methods of information distribution, organizational recommendations, an action plan, and a plan to monitor performance of the strategies in the plan. 

Solutions and Outcomes
  • Developed a data-driven and people-informed TDM plan for a transition to a mixed-use and multimodal campus.
  • Produced three toolkits with TDM guidance for use by municipalities, real estate developers, and employers.