The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) from 2015 to 2018 conducted a systemwide origin-destination (O-D) study. The first phase of the study, completed in 2016, included intercept surveys aboard the Metro SubwayLink, Light RailLink, and MARC commuter rail. The second phase, completed in 2018, included intercept surveys aboard the BaltimoreLink Local Bus System.

The results of the surveys are documented dashboards and accompanying technical reports. Note that the BaltimoreLink redesign occurred in 2017, halfway through the survey and as such some of data makes reference to routes implemented before the redesign. MTA’s most recent O-D study prior to this one was completed in 2008.

Large-scale origin-destination surveys provide MTA a wealth of information that is not readily available through any other sources, including data on trip patterns and rider demographics. Survey data can help MTA ensure that existing service and future service changes do not negatively impact rider populations protected under the Title VI Program of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The data will be used in MTA’s Title VI Program Update and in upcoming fare equity analyses. Furthermore, the survey provides key information on riders’ travel patterns, including where they board, where they alight, access and egress mode, number of transfers, transfer mode, and fare payment. Travel and socio-demographic information helps inform MTA’s long-range planning efforts and coordination efforts with local governments and local transit agencies.